

Head of department clinical cancer research            


Jon Amund Kyte
Head of Department
email: jonky@ous-hf.no
tlf: 22934738




Head of clinical cancer research unit 

Tormod Kyrre Guren
Head of unit 
email: uxtour@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 16 38 91



Physicians at clinical cancer research unit

Andreas Hagen Røssevold
email: anharo@ous-hf.no 
tlf: 91 69 54 19


Andreas Ullern
email: andull@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 16 45 31


Geir Olav Hjortland
email: goo@ous-hf.no 
tlf: 46 83 67 95


Knut Halvor Bjøro Smeland
email: knusme@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 69 42 47


Marta Sølvi Nyakas
email: marnya@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 13 61 72




Head of study nurse unit

Melanie Birte Schulz-Jaavall
Head of Unit
email: melas@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 50 65 10



Study nurses at Radiumhospitalet

Aase Margrethe Victoria Maltau
Study nurse
email: aamalt@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 17 08 73

Specialisation: urology


Alexandra Østgaard
Study nurse
email: uxanul@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 19 10 73

Specialisation: mamma cancer

Aina Graver
Study nurse
email: uxgaph@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 89 47 22

Specialisation: melanoma

Anita Wahlstrøm  Olsen
Study nurse
email: olsani@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 86 19 52 

Specialisation: head and neck

Anne Marie Kvam
Study nurse
email: uxankv@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 15 31 44

Specialisation: CNS

Arletta Lucja Matusiak
Study nurse
email: arlmat@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 60 40 41

Specialisation: mamma cancer

Bente Amundsen
Study nurse
email: benamu@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 81 36 84

Specialisation: CNS

Carina Lundgren
Study nurse
email: carina@ous-hf.no
tlf: 48 06 47 87

Specialisation: lymphoma

Cathrine Homleid Tønsager
Study nurse
email: cattoe@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 51 72 44

Specialisation: lymphoma

Charlotte Lirhus Bakken
Study nurse
email: chabak@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 17 29 71

Specialisation: urology

Eline Hagen Tronskar
Study nurse
email: eltron@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 82 57 03

Specialisation: head and neck

Ellen Støver
Study nurse
email: estoev@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 87 44 73

Specialisation: early phase studies

Elsa Ohvo
Study nurse
email: elsohv@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 82 34 39

Specialisation: early phase studies

Gunhild Finstad
Study nurse
email: gufins@ous-hf.no
tlf: 48 26 13 70

Specialisation: urology and melanoma

Gunn-Elisabet Dahlen
Study nurse
email: uxdahg@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 60 37 43

Specialisation: early phase studies

Hege Brundtland Myreng
Study nurse
email: hegmyr@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 60 37 43

Specialisation: Impress Norway

Ida Christine Busterud
Study nurse
email: b27519@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 56 71 14

Specialisation: sarcoma

Ingun Flatland Sve
Study nurse
email: ifv@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 60 42 58

Specialisation: early phase studies


Karoline Samuelsen
Study nurse
email: karsam@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 18 81 83

Specialisation: mamma cancer


Kjersti Holmsen
Study nurse
email: kjeho@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 60 41 96

Specialisation: early phase studies


Kristin Byrkjeland Nauste
Study nurse
email: kbs@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 87 13 59

Specialisation: early phase studies

Malin Kristina Klôtz
Study nurse
email: malklo@ous-hf.no
tlf: 41 25 76 27

Specialisation: sarcoma

Maria Elena Rodriguez Aguilar
Study nurse
email: maerod@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 17 49 37

Specialisation: mamma cancer

Marianne Johansen
Study nurse
email: marij@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 51 43 78

Specialisation: lymphoma

Sigrun Bøhmer Vold
Study nurse
email: sigvol@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 81 52 38

Specialisation: lymphoma

Stine Næss
Study nurse
email: stinae@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 85 43 81 

Specialisation: sarcoma


Stine Rudå Nygaard
Study nurse
email: uxnsti@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 15 20 60

Specialisation: lymphoma

Toril Margrethe Dal
Study nurse
email: daltor@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 80 60 51

Specialisation: lymphoma


Torunn Vigdal
Study nurse
email: toruhe@ous-hf.no
tlf: 47 51 35 69

Specialisation: CNS

Veronica Feilum
Study nurse
email: uxfeve@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 94 22 44

Specialisation: mamma cancer

Study nurses at Ullevål

Camilla Do
Biomedical laboratory scientist
email: camido@ous-hf.no
tlf: 20 02 78 18 / 47 68 37 35


Cecilie Ulvestad
Study nurse
email: ceculv@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 80 87 63 

Specialisation: lung cancer

Hanne Ringstad
Study nurse
email: uxrihc@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 67 85 42

Specialisation: lung cancer

Johanne Berit S Busch
Study nurse
email: uxbube@ous-hf.no
tlf: 23 02 78 27 / 47 62 06 13

Specialisation: lung cancer

Karla Francesca Heinrich
Study nurse
email: karlh@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 52 59 72

Specialisation: lung cancer

Madeleine Sørgard Skjold 
Study nurse
email: madea2@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 67 84 91

Specialisation: GI cancer

Ragnhild Tvedt 
Study nurse
email: uxtver@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 17 61 06

Specialisation: GI cancer

Tina Traa 
Study nurse
email: tinat@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 71 27 91

Specialisation: lung cancer

Head of clinical research office

Kirsten Thorin Hagene
Head of unit
email: kihage@ous-hf.no
tlf: 99 29 32 73



Clinical research office

Amani Zribi
email: amazri@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 17 11 87
Anita L. Iyer
Site project manager
email: anitiy@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 84 77 91
Barbro Berggren
Site project manager
email: barbbe@ous-hf.no
tlf: 91 14 51 89
Carin Granlund
Site project manager
email: carvan@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 16 53 28
Charlotte Nygård
Clinical research assistant
email: chanyg@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 15 24 56

Gjertrud Skorstad
Biomedical laboratory scientist
email: uxgjsk@ous-hf.no


Ismail Abdi
Site project manager
email: ismabd@ous-hf.no
tlf: 40 05 83 68
Lise Nylund Torpen
Site project manager
email: linyto@ous-hf.no
tlf: 90 86 45 81
Morten Harboe
Site project manager
email: harbmo@ous-hf.no
tlf: 94 16 38 91
Oxana Kozub
Site project manager
email: oxakoz@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 86 64 59
Sandra Pilar Henriksen
Site project manager
email: sanhen@ous-hf.no
tlf: 98 09 06 11
Solveig Bringsli
Site project manager
email: solbri@ous-hf.no
tlf: 46 86 64 19

Medical quality registrar 

Hege Lund
Medical quality registrar
email: heglun@ous-hf.no
Kari Nørstebø
Medical quality registrar
email: karnoe@ous-hf.no
Marie Birketvedt
Medical quality registrar
email: mbirke@ous-hf.no
Marjory Quibuyen
Medical quality registrar
email: marjm@ous-hf.no
Ole Trobe Olsøy
Medical quality registrar
email: ololso@ous-hf.no
Siri Lothe Hess 
Medical quality registrar
email: slh@ous-hf.no



Updated 24 january 2025